The Dallas CSI Foundation is a non-profit corporation established by the Dallas Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute to promote education in the field of Architecture Design, Architectural Engineering and Construction Science and Technology.

Our objective is to promote the future advancement of the design and construction industry through education by providing undergraduate scholarships and fellowships in this area of study.

Since 1986, the Dallas CSI Foundation has awarded 157 scholarships with a combined distribution total of $231,000.

This includes our three 2023 scholarship awardees of whom we congratulate again.

csi dallas chapter logo

It is our intention each year to award a minimum of four $2,000 Scholarships and one $3000 Traveling Fellowship to students who have shown special skill and advancement in the areas of Architectural Design, Architectural Engineering or Construction Science and Technology and who best meet the criteria established by the Foundation.

Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament Logo

To help achieve our goal, we solicit the involvement of the University faculty by asking them to nominate a worthy student or students who meet the scholarship and fellowship criteria to be considered for these awards.

To assist the faculty with this process, we offer the University faculty a copy of the Foundation’s Scholarship Rules and Regulations plus the Traveling Fellowship Rules and Regulations for use during this process.

Our primary fundraiser each year is the Charley Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament. The Foundation raises funds through donors and golfers’ contributions to the Foundation which supports the scholarships and fellowships awarded each year.

If you would like to support the excellent work and mission of the Dallas CSI Foundation, please donate!

Questions About the Foundation?

Contact Us!