Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament Logo


The Dallas CSI Foundation Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament is an annual scramble-format golf tournament open to everyone. Proceeds benefit the Dallas CSI Foundation which provides scholarships for deserving students from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in design and construction related disciplines. The tradition of the Architects Challenge also continues this year. This is a tournament within our tournament between four-person teams from different architectural firms. All four players on the team must be employed by the same architectural firm. A custom-made traveling trophy will be awarded for one year to the winner of the Architects Challenge. The Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament will remain flighted with prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

The Dallas CSI Foundation Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament is an annual scramble-format golf tournament open to everyone. Proceeds benefit the Dallas CSI Foundation which provides scholarships for deserving students from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in design and construction related disciplines. The tradition of the Architects Challenge also continues this year. This is a tournament within our tournament between four-person teams from different architectural firms. All four players on the team must be employed by the same architectural firm. A custom-made traveling trophy will be awarded for one year to the winner of the Architects Challenge. The Charlie Joyner Memorial Golf Tournament will remain flighted with prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

WHEN: Monday, September 30, 2024 | Shotgun starts at 2:00 pm and ends at 7:30 pm.
Dinner afterward is included.

WHERE: Bear Creek Golf Club | 3500 Bear Creek Court, Dallas, TX 75261

Contact Greg Shuck for Tournament Information and Sponsorship.

Greg Shuck, Tournamet Director: [email protected]

2023 Tournament

2022 Tournament

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors!